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To keep you current on information critical to your business, below are updates and resources to support your sales and service efforts. To access our full library, visit the News and Industry Perspectives site.
Learn about Blue Shield's 2020 rates, plan changes, and renewal dates; and access time-saving tips and resources for enrolling both new and renewing Blue Shield business.
0.9% rate increase for PPO and HMO medical plans. Dental, vision and life plan rates remain unchanged.
July - September renewals are now available to brokers.
Shield Concierge is available to members who enroll or renew into a Tandem PPO plan on or after July 1, 2020.
Healthy Savings are available to Trio HMO and Tandem PPO members.
Employer groups may enroll new members through a Special Enrollment Period (SEP) through June 30, 2020, with July 1 as the latest effective date.
New business submission deadlines are up to the last business day of the effective month for April through July effective dates.
Relaxed participation requirements for small businesses extended to December 31, 2020
Register to attend the exclusive EIC20 two-day digital conference that will feature a combination of live-streamed sessions, virtual trade show booths, one-on-one networking, and access to Genius Hall - where you'll see new features and learn best practices from Ease experts.
This immersive interactive experience (not a webinar) is free and will include a Q&A and live chat with subject matter experts.
Carriers recognize the strain that COVID-19 is placing on employees and their families. Many are expanding access to emotional, behavioral and mental health services — and in some cases waiving costs.
Download our Carrier Resource Guide to stay up-to-date and advise your employer groups on the latest carrier services and benefits available to employees, such as:
Stay on top of all the latest COVID-19 carrier responses with our easy-to-use COVID-19 Medical and Ancillary Carrier Response Guides. Quickly identify how each carrier is helping to keep employees covered, provide relief to employers, and expand coverage.
Blue Shield of CA
Q3-2020 Updates ---------------------------------
EIC20: Ease Innovation
(Virtual) Conference ---------------------------------
Emotional, Behavioral
and Mental Health
Resources for
Employees and Families ---------------------------------
COVID-19 Carrier
Response Guides
IMPORTANT DATES April 23 • Application Deadline:
- Covered California
for Small Business
Webinar --------------------------------- April 24 • Application Deadline:
- Chinese Community
Health Plan --------------------------------- April 29 • NVAHU Annual CE Day --------------------------------- April 30 • Application Deadline:
- Blue Shield of CA
- Principal
- Reliance Standard
- UnitedHealthcare --------------------------------- May 5 • Application Deadline - DeltaCare
- MetLife --------------------------------- May 6 • GGAHU/NAHU
Webinar --------------------------------- May 7 • Application Deadline
- UnitedHealthcare --------------------------------- May 12 • Application Deadline
- Humana --------------------------------- May 14 • DCAHU Health Care
• IEAHU Webinar & CE
• SBAHU Fundraiser --------------------------------- May 15 • Application Deadline
- Beam Dental
- Choice Builder
- Covered California
for Small Business
- Delta Dental --------------------------------- May 19 • VCAHU Short Talks --------------------------------- May 29 • Application Deadline
- Blue Shield of CA
- Principal --------------------------------- June 8 and 9 • EIC20 Ease Innovation
(Virtual) Conference --------------------------------- June 11 • IEAHU Lunch & CE --------------------------------- June 12 • SDAHU Golf
Your success is important to us, and we’re actively working on new solutions to support you throughout the year. To get the latest news via text messaging in the future, simply provide your cell phone number here.
As always, we'll keep you informed about healthcare reform issues and news affecting you and your clients. Our knowledgeable team is here to help you succeed.