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To keep you current on information critical to your business, below are updates and resources to support your sales and service efforts. To access our full library, visit the News and Industry Perspectives site.
To help individuals comply with California’s new January 1, 2020 medical coverage mandate, Covered California for Small Business (CCSB) has just announced that during a Special Open Enrollment they will allow any employee or dependent to enroll in coverage outside of the normal annual open enrollment process, even if the employee or dependent declined to enroll during 2019. This is excellent news that brokers and agents can bring to clients with CCSB group medical plans.Learn more.
Get a quick assessment of the leading carrier with the best value with our new Q1-2020 Top 3 Carrier Price Comparison. Each quarter, we select the comparable, best-selling PPO plans from Anthem, Blue Shield, and UnitedHealthcare, and show you the percentage and dollar difference between them.
Our Carrier Price Comparison Service Makes it Easy to:
Prospect for new clients by quickly identifying the savings you may offer them based on their current carrier.
Prioritize which renewals within your current book of business need attention first.
The UnitedHealthcare 5% dental renewal rate cap has been extended through January 1, 2020 effective dates. It applies to both voluntary and contributory coverage and guarantees that groups (2-100 eligible lives) enrolling with new dental coverage will receive no more than a 5% increase at their first year renewal.For quoting assistance, contact us today.
To align more closely with medical underwriting, specialty coverage underwriting requires small businesses to employ an eligible common law employee to be eligible for group plans. All new sales with 2020 effective dates require a common law employee, eliminating owner-only businesses. Specialty coverage documentation requirements will be the same as for medical and based on the number of enrolling subscribers.
Blue Shield will no longer waive the 12-month waiting period on voluntary dental plans beginning with January 1, 2020 groups. The waiting period will be waived at the group level for groups with prior dental coverage with Blue Shield. Learn more and access valuable resources.
Let's face it, nobody wants to think about becoming disabled and unable to work. But it happens. In fact, one in four of today's 20-year-olds will become disabled before reaching age 67.
Short- and long-term disability options that help employees replace a portion of their income, in the event of a disability, while providing support that helps them return to work as soon as possible, can be a game-changer for employees and employers.
MetLife's short- and long-term disability solutions offer:
Flexible plan features.
Income replacement.
Return-to-work incentives.
Multiple rehabilitation incentives and support including Rehab Program Incentive, Work Incentive Benefit, Family Care Incentive, and Moving Expense Incentive.
IN THIS ISSUE Covered California for Small Business Special Open Enrollment for Employees to Take Advantage of SB 78 ---------------------------------- Q1-2020 Top 3 Carrier Price Comparison ---------------------------------- UnitedHealthcare Extends 5% Dental Renewal Rate Cap ---------------------------------- Blue Shield of CA Specialty Underwriting Will Align with Medical ---------------------------------- MetLife: The Value of Disability Benefits
IMPORTANT DATES November 14 • OCAHU-NAHU Live Webinar: Medicare for All and The 2020 Elections • VCAHU Vanguard Event ---------------------------------- November 15 • Application Deadline: - TASC ---------------------------------- November 20 • SAHU Lunch ---------------------------------- November 21 • DCAHU Lunch/CE • LAAHU Webinar • NCAHU Holiday Mixer ---------------------------------- November 22 • Application Deadline: - Covered California for Small Business ---------------------------------- November 25 • Application Deadline: - Chinese Community Health Plan ---------------------------------- November 26 • SDAHU Taco Tequila Tuesday ---------------------------------- November 27 • Application Deadline: - Reliance Standard ---------------------------------- December 3 • SVAHU Holiday Party and Food Drive ---------------------------------- December 4 • Application Deadline: - Delta Dental ---------------------------------- December 5 • Application Deadline: - Allied Benefit Suite - Blue Shield of CA - Humana - MetLife ---------------------------------- December 6 • Application Deadline: - Beam Dental - Choice Builder - Principal - UnitedHealthcare ---------------------------------- December 10 • OCAHU Holiday Party • VCAHU Charity + Holiday Event ---------------------------------- December 17 • LAAHU Holiday Party ---------------------------------- December 19 • DCAHU Holiday Luncheon ---------------------------------- December 24 • Application Deadline: - Chinese Community Health Plan - Covered California for Small Business ---------------------------------- December 31 • Application Deadline: - Reliance Standard
As always, we'll keep you informed about healthcare reform issues and news affecting you and your clients. Our knowledgeable team is here to help you succeed.