Blue Shield Q3-2020 Updates
Apr 21, 2020, 2 Minute Read
Below are the Q3-2020 updates for medical and specialty options, rates, plan changes, renewals, and tips and resources for enrolling both new and renewing business. Additional information can be found on Blue Shield’s Broker Connection.
Use the Plan Comparison Tool to quickly and easily select multiple plans and compare the benefits side by side, or select a single plan and see how benefits have changed from year to year.
- There will be a rate action of 0.9% for all PPO medical plans and all HMO medical plans.
- All dental, vision, and life insurance plan rates will remain unchanged.
July – September 2020 Renewals
- July – September group renewals are available to brokers. Employers will be notified that their renewal materials will be available on April 23-28, 2020.
- Group-level changes can be made using Small Group Online Renewal (SGOR) beginning April 21, 2020.
- Reminder — groups will receive an email notification and a one-page mailed letter directing them to their renewal microsite for complete renewal information. Full renewal printed packets will only be mailed to groups if these sites are not visited on or before May 15, 2020.
- Group renewal packets include an options census for quick quotes that display the current and renewing rates, along with several plan options with the new 2020 rates. This options census includes Trio HMO and Tandem PPO plans comparable to a group’s current Access+ HMO® or Full PPO plan selections.
- Visit the Renewal Center for broker resources and more information.
- Shield Concierge is available to members who enroll or renew into a Tandem PPO plan on or after July 1, 2020
- Available to Trio HMO and Tandem PPO members at no additional cost, Healthy Savings provides up to $50 of savings each week on purchases at retail stores like Walmart, Albertsons, Safeway, Ralphs, and more.
Special Enrollment Period
- Employer groups may enroll new members through a Special Enrollment Period (SEP) through June 30, 2020, with July 1 as the latest effective date. This SEP is for employees who previously declined coverage for themselves or their dependents and applies to medical, dental, and vision plans.
- For May 1, June 1, and July 1 effective dates, enrollment requests must be received on or before the 1st of the month for which enrollment is being requested.
New Business Submission Deadlines
- New business submission deadlines are now up to the last business day of the effective month for April through July effective dates.
- Download the new Master Group Application (MGA).
- Relaxed participation requirements for small businesses extended to December 31, 2020.
- Trio HMO plans – enroll as few as one member.
Blue Shield Broker Resources
Additional Resources
Visit Blue Shield’s Broker Connection to learn more.
Contact the small group experts at 800.696.4543 or